The Vale Equine Rehabilitation Clinic offers two options:
a) Holiday Fitness Stay
The minimum stay is 1 week (7 nights). A unique package for your horse would be designed. It would include a mix of the following therapies - manual and electro manipulation and massage, hydro and infra-red therapy (using the hydrotherapy treadmill and solarium) and lunging.
b) Post Injury/Surgery Rehabilitation
The recommended period for this is between 4 and 6 weeks. The first two weeks would include hydrotherapy and manipulation. After this faster work (lunging and exercises designed to use specific muscles) would be added. The aim would be for the horse to be ready for ridden work on it's return home. Progress will depend on the individual horse's injury/surgery.
When the horse is here for rehabilitation it will stay in it's own stable which has access to an individual turn out area. For those horses that can be turned out they can make use of the lovely paddock which has electrically fenced small enclosures. This enables the horse to relax and make the most of the rehabilitation process.